Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Blackwing Sketch

I'm a sucker for drawing supplies and for breathless ad copy, so I had to get some of these Blackwing pencils. According to the website, "some of the world’s most legendary Grammy, Emmy, Pulitzer and Academy Award winners have created with Blackwing pencils. The list of known users includes John Steinbeck, Stephen Sondheim, Leonard Bernstein and Chuck Jones, who proudly used Blackwings to create Bugs Bunny and countless other Looney Tunes characters." The pencils were introduced in the 1930s, discontinued in 1998 and recently revived by Palomino (http://www.pencils.com/brands/blackwing/).
   I don't know if they'll help me join the ranks of the "most legendary," but they are pretty nice, and they feature that cool replaceable eraser cartridge.